Our services



Manual chiropractic adjustments- our health care professional will determine which diversified manual adjustment is needed through x-ray films and palpation.  A light force is applied to the joint to induce mobility and rid the body of any nerve interference. 

Activator- the activator instrument is used in specific cases and is an alternative way to perform an adjustment. 

Graston Muscle Therapy- Graston technique is the latest in science technology.  Our licensed physician uses a variety of instruments to glide along specific muscle groups to rid that area of adhesions, also known as “knots”.  When we free the muscle of these restrictions we will be increasing blood flow to the area, increasing range of motion, and decreasing pain.  Graston technique allows our patients to heal much faster and will help to keep the adjustment in place.  Graston has also shown through systematic reviews to produce long lasting effects even when treatment has ceased.